


Nanjing nacai Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. was established in March 2018. It is headquartered in Nanjing, the ancient city of Jiangsu Province. This is a global high-end human resource service organization. It provides high-end talent hunting, management training, recruitment outsourcing, personnel outsourcing and other professional international talent service for all kinds of growth enterprises. Nacai maintains close cooperation with Jiangsu investor center, alumni associations of colleges and universities, European and American student associations and other organizations. At the same time, it has adopted the mode of recruitment + business incubation to build a high-quality headhunting consultant team.

使  命:不可替代的人才服务伙伴
Mission:  Irreplaceable professional talent service partner
愿  景:搭建全球高效智能化人才服务体系
Vision:  Build a global efficient and intelligent talent service system
Values:  Integrity, Professionalism, Innovation and self-development
口  号:纳八方贤才 筑百年基业
Slogan:  Attract talents from all over the world, build solid foundation for company